Ducks Unlimited Podcast Nov 9, 2020
Ep. 37 – Winous Point Shooting Club: Legacy, Lore, and Conservation
Friends of Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Zoom Presentation Series
April 14, 2021: Winous Point Rail Research with Brendan Shirkey
Join Brendan to learn about the rail research that has been done at Winous Point Marsh near Port Clinton, Ohio. Learn about the successes of four graduate students over the past four years working on king rail, Virginia rail, and sora research. Currently, Brendan and WPMC are involved in multiple avian research and monitoring projects with a wide variety of partners including King Rail research with Central Michigan University, common tern nest monitoring with the Ohio Division of Wildlife, and winter and summer waterfowl banding with the Ohio Division of Wildlife.
Ashland University Seminar Series, March 22, 2018
Management and Conservation of Ohio’s Coastal Wetlands – John Simpson, WPMC
WBGUTV “Scenic Stops” Video: Winous Point Shooting Club History and Conservation
Aldo Leopold Keynote Presentation by Dr. Alan Wentz at the 2020 Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Dr. Wentz is a highly respected waterfowl scientist and former Chief Conservation Officer for Ducks Unlimited. He gives many great references to Winous Point Marsh in this lecture as a shining example of hunter-led conservation and policy initiatives.
- Winous Point aerial
- Geese and Swans
- King Rail closeup
- short billed dowitcher in net
- Aerial View of Winous Point
- Trapping waterfowl for research